Saturday, March 14, 2009

Electronic Game expo

Reirei Blog Entry #20 originally posted Mar 13 Fri 2009 18:04
I'm Reirei
Reirei will share my thoughts on the electronic game expo

Ice CreaMusume held a signing event at the Electronic Game Expo that day
There were so MANY people there ~~~~
And saw lots and lots of our fans
Reirei was really really happy
because everyone came to our signing events :P
Thank you for your cheers and support

In the coming days
Reirei will work even harder!!!!!
I won't disappoint everyone!!!!!


  1. great blog *.* finally I can understand what they're writing *.* thank you very much for all translations

  2. Now you wrote "Peipei Blog Entry #20 originally posted Mar 13 Fri 2009 18:04" at the begin xD

  3. Hehe, I was working all three posts at the same time, fixed. Thanks!
