Thursday, January 15, 2009

Be Positive Everyday

Reirei Blog entry #10 by # Jan 06 Tue 2009 12:10

Reirei has a new entry~~~~~~~~

Let me tell you
A few days ago, Shenshen, Peipei, Youko, and I did a taping
You must be wondering why it was just us, right?

Anchii and Guuchan had to prepare for finals, so they couldn't go on the show with us
But Anchii and Guuchan's card board cutouts were behind us as we did the taping~~~

Before the taping that day, Reirei was so happy and so nervous
We played a game in the show, I teamed with Shenshen
So, I got the highest score, so I was very happy Heehee :目

January 6 at 7PM
Everyone please lock on to Channel 37's Azio Entertainment News

Think of Reirei~

See you next time!!!!! bye bye

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